Learner's Device Repair
Repair Process for Student Learning Device
When a student learning device is broken it may be repaired under the manufacturer's warranty as outlined in the warranty section or under insurance, or at the owner’s cost if neither insurance or warranty cover apply. In all aspects the school manages the responsibility of the relationship with the whanau. This section provides guidance on how this process may take place in your cluster.
The Insurance company, will consider claims when the problem is due to accidental damage where the insurance company deems that the student has taken reasonable care of the device. The behaviours that make up reasonable care of your device are included in the Kawa of Care Agreement and attached to every new device. Taking Care of Your Device
To determine whether the device will be repaired under warranty or via an insurance claim your IT Provider will carry out an initial assessment and either repair it or send the damaged device away for a warranty assessment. If the device is not covered under warranty then the process for an insurance claim begins. (If the device is not covered by insurance then the device will be repaired at owners cost)
Claim Process
The insurance policy covers each device for 36 months for loss and accidental damage. The insurance process is jointly initiated and managed by your school and IT Provider . Support for people initiating and following up on claims (check policies etc)
The device is repaired/replaced under the insurance programme and returned to the School.
The parent can reinsure a replacement device through the school or trust. At this time the best way to do this is to email Stan.F@pbtech.co.nz
Purchased - Dec 2021 - present
Manaiakalani Device Care
If the Kawa of Care agreement is not adhered to and/or the Insurance claim is not accepted, the parent is then liable for the full cost of the repair. The repair cost needs to be paid in full before the manufacturer will repair it.
The Trust as the purchaser of the devices is the policyholder. However the parent, who has entered into the credit sale contract with the Trust, is responsible for signing the form and answering “How the loss or damage occurred and who was involved? Including obtaining a Police Report if the device was stolen while under owner care.
Payments towards the cost of the device, agreed to in the credit sale contract, must be kept up to date while the device is being repaired.
For devices Purchased Nov 2019 - Dec 21
these were insured by Assurant
Note : The total of all Claims can't exceed the purchase price of the device. If there has already been 2 Accidental Damage claims paid out any further accepted claim would bring any value that remains in the policy. The whānau will have to pay the difference to repair/replacement if they want to . you can claim online